Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here goes...(Otherwise known as...oops! Did I really click there?)

Hi...It's Janet. I will be honest here, I've been thinking about starting a blog as a place to show off some of the custom jewelry that I've made. The problem is, I don't really know what I'm doing.

I actually thought that I was just checking to see if this name and URL were available. I guess they were, because here I am! I suppose the time to learn is now. Please bear with me!

It is going to take me some time, but I have some great friends that are great about sharing information and helping, so I think I just might be able to muddle through and make this work!

Unfortunately I have some work that I need to do for my real job tonight, so I won't be able to start immediately, but I'll be back soon!

In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at some of my one of a kind jewelry in my Etsy shop

LizardQueen Jewelry

Thanks so much!


  1. Oops you did it again!!!!! FANTASTIC start! the hard part is over with i SWEAR! now you just PLAY! LOVE the layout... its very ez on the eyes :D

  2. I am so excited to be following you. You are doing a fantastic job! I'll be keeping in touch with your blog to see how you are.
