Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Analysis So Far...

Okay...so Google Analytics has a ton of information! I am not really sure what all of it means, but I'll give you the run down of what I think is most important to me at this time.

For my Etsy shop, LizardQueen Jewelry since January 9th I have had:
  • 204 Site Visits, 98 Visitors from 13 countries
  • Average Time on Site is 2:25 minutes, 2 Pages per Visit
  • 420 Page Views
  • Traffic Source Breakdown: 53.9% Referring Sites, 31.9% Direct Traffic, 8.8% Search Engines, 5.3% Other (I will work on further analyzing that later.)
For this Blog since January 9th I have had:
  • 35 Site Visits, 15 Visitors from 2 countries
  • Average Time on Site is 2:36 minutes, 1.8 Pages per Visit
  • 63 Page Views
  • Traffic Source Breakdown: 94.2% Referring Sites, 5.7% Direct Traffic
As I said, I'm not sure exactly how to use this information, but I will continue to track, learn and share. For now I am happy that I have access to the statistics that show me how many people are visiting. I plan to work on looking into where the referrals, which is obviously the largest source of traffic to both sites, are coming from so that I can focus on getting my shop name out to the right places.

Well, I'm off to go update some photos in my shop and list a few new pieces of jewelry...Have a good one!

LizardQueen Jewelry


  1. Thanks for the info - still trying to figure out what it all means too. How did you get it to track your blog?

  2. i just opened up my google analytics account :D you inspired me :D
